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Halawa or Halvah is a general term for desserts made using flour and various nut butters. But in the Middle East, Halawa refers to mainly one item – a sesame based confection that is not only decadently delicious, but also highly nutritious. Sesame halawa is rich in protein, magnesium, calcium, iron and many more nutrients and plant sterols which are highly beneficial to our health.

Halawa is a very versatile dish that can be flavored with many possibilities such as chocolate, orange oil, vanilla, rosewater, coffee and caramel. Other than crunchy toasted sesame seeds, other nuts such as almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, etc can be added to enhance the flavour and taste. Wilmington foods bring to you a dazzling variety of halawas, decorated with nuts, flavored and colored to not just look amazing, but to satisfy your sweet tooth as well. Our halawas are the perfect gift for your friends and family, on any occasion.

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